
My Future Kitty

Alright so i have been begging Matt for a puppy for a very long time, and he always just says that it is just going to be too hard to have one....so i have switched my wants to a KITTEN and this little guy is the winner! i don't know how i am going to find him/her but i have high hopes. lol! I just keep telling Matt that Valentines Day is coming up and that would be a perfect present. He isn't so convinced.. :( root for me okay people?.. Hopefully Kelsie can work her magic! Put your qualifications and kitty name suggestions! :)


  1. Amy this is mom. I think when you find this cute kitten that Jersey will love it. Cute blog. miss ya.

  2. I'm workin on it Amy! Although I dunno if I'll ever be able to find a kitty that freakin cute! (especially without the froggy costume) :)But don't give up hope... I'm sure I'll be able to twist matt's arm... just be sure to give him lots of kisses. :)

  3. I had no idea of this plot. I should have checked this blog ages ago..... I feel played. :(
